Shake Up Albany

Substantive policy shifts cannot be made without changing Albany from the inside out. Greg supports comprehensive campaign finance reform, truly independent redistricting, serious ethics and budget reform and is a perennial sponsor of term limit legislation. There is not another voice in the NY State Legislature fighting harder or more effectively for lasting reform than Greg Ball. Greg is an independent voice and is willing to stand up to the dysfunction in both parties.

Senator Greg Ball has crafted a powerful anti-public corruption legislative package, dubbed by some as the “Leibell Reforms,” which includes S4794, legislation that creates new standards, strengthens ethics requirements and increases transparency regarding community projects grants, commonly known as “member-items.” Senator Ball has also introduced S3817, legislation requiring that pension rights be forfeited when a public employee is convicted of certain crimes related to public employment. Much of this legislation, at Senator Ball’s urging, was passed in 2011 as part of a comprehensive ethics reform package.

Senator Ball has stated, “though limited, some public officials selfishly use their offices for personal gain, these anti-corruption safeguards will act to stem the corruption plaguing the public’s image of elected officials. It’s time to cleanup Albany’s playpen of money laundering.”

In the State Senate, Greg Ball is a consistent and independent voice for reform.