Senator Greg Ball and Assemblywoman Sandy Galef were joined today by members of the Northern Westchester-Putnam Disabled American Veterans Chapter #137 to celebrate the dedication of the “Disabled American Veterans Memorial Bridge” on the Taconic State Parkway.

The Disabled American Veterans play a large role in the Northern-Westchester and Putnam communities, helping veterans with many of their local needs. This bridge re-naming honors military members who have served our country and became disabled or wounded in the course of their military services, as well as the local Disabled American Veteran Chapters, which provides significant assistance to these veterans.

This bridge, located in Putnam County, was previously known as the Bryant Pond Road Bridge and has been re-named following the passage of legislation sponsored by Senator Ball and Assemblywoman Galef (S5974/A8224) that was signed by Governor Andrew Cuomo on July 3rd (Chapter 82 of 2014).

“I would like to thank the Disabled American Veterans Chapter #137 for their work in making this dedication a reality. I was proud to advocate on their behalf to ensure that the Taconic State Parkway bridge at Bryant Pond Road serves as a constant reminder that freedom is not free, it is paid for by the blood, sweat and tears of our service men and women,” said Senator Greg Ball, Chairman of the Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee. “The men and women returning home from service to our country with injuries incurred in the line of duty are so worthy of this dedication.”

“I am so pleased that we were able to pass legislation this year renaming this local bridge. We must honor our service members, both currently serving and those who have served us so bravely in the past, as well as those who will serve in the future, particularly the ones who were injured while in the military and must live with those injuries on a regular basis,” said Assemblywoman Galef. “I hope that more people will remember these veterans as they drive underneath this bridge and thank them for their service.”

Michael Hartnett, Commander for Disabled American Veterans Chapter 137 said, “We must always keep our veterans in mind at all times throughout the year. We must always remember that the United States is a great country because of our veterans– they have allowed us to be a great nation. If the military ever failed us, our nation would fail. Our nation was born out of a military uprising during the Revolutionary War and our military has maintained the predominance of the United States ever since, which is why we must respect our military and all they have done since the founding of our country. The dedication of this bridge and the very visible signage will remind people driving by this location of the importance of the United States Military and all the veterans who have served our country.”

Bill Gorton, Regional Director of the New York State Department of Transportation said, “The New York State Department of Transportation was pleased to join Assemblywoman Galef and Senator Ball to honor our disabled veterans.  The men and women who have fought for our freedom in the U.S. Armed Forces deserve our admiration and respect, particularly those who are wounded in the line of duty. By designating this bridge the Disabled American Veterans Memorial Bridge, the more than 27,000 daily travelers who pass it on the Taconic State Parkway will be reminded of the many contributions and sacrifices veterans have made for their country.”

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