Brewster, N.Y. – 07/21/2014 – Senator Greg Ball (R, C, I –Patterson), Chairman of the Senate Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs Committee, is teaming up with Purple Heart Homes Association to host the 4th Annual Veterans Thanksgiving Dinner in November.

“The Thanksgiving dinner is one of my favorite events that I have the distinct honor of hosting each year, and I hope to continue to do so for years to come, regardless of if I am elected into public office. Seeing the smiles on the veterans’ faces is truly rewarding,” said Senator Greg Ball. “I am thrilled to get to work with Purple Heart Homes this year to make this the best Veterans Thanksgiving Dinner we’ve had yet. I urge anyone who wants to give back to those who have given so much for our country to assist us in the planning of this dinner.”

Over the past three years, Senator Ball has worked with the community to host an annual Thanksgiving dinner for local veterans. This year, the Senator is partnering with Purple Heart Homes to seek donations and volunteers in order to make the free meal possible. The event will take place on November 22nd at the Putnam Golf Course. Seating times will be 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

“I always look forward to the Veterans Thanksgiving Dinner each year, as it is truly an incredible event for everyone who attends,” said Vietnam War veteran and Purple Heart recipient Eugene Parrotta. “It’s great that Senator Ball is hosting the dinner for a fourth time this year. I know that the hundreds of veterans who attend each year are already excited to be invited back for another great Thanksgiving celebration.”

“Thanksgiving is a time for all of us to be thankful to all of our Veterans and their families that served and are serving this great nation.  We will take delight in serving them a delicious meal at the Fourth Annual Veterans Dinner with Senator Ball,” said John Gallina, Co-founder of Purple Heart Homes.

In addition to volunteers, Senator Ball is also seeking donations for the Thanksgiving Dinner including: uncooked turkeys (20 lbs or more), turkey gravy, cans of string beans, cans of whole white potatoes, cans of corn, cans of cranberry sauce, salad dressing, premade bags of stuffing, 48 oz cans of chicken broth, pies and décor.

To RSVP for the dinner, or if you are interested in volunteering or donating goods, please contact Senator Greg Ball’s office at (845) 279-3773.

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